Sunday, May 23, 2021

IN the NEWS - Obama Stokes UFO Nonsense

 Q: How might this UFO Nonsense help unite the World during this time of global crises?
From social unrest to wars to the Great Reset to Pandemics to Natural Disasters to Cancel Culture in Democracies to the rise of Eco-Fascism, to Potential Economic Collapse, etc.....What could this UFO NONSENSE Unleash IF people buy into it?
This Decade the World is Truly Going Insane...
....and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion. Isaiah 30:3

Obama's attempt to be in spotlight again---
"Speaking on James Corden’s 'The Late Late Show', Obama was
asked about the issue of UFOs, to which he responded saying there’s evidence of objects in the sky and “we don't know exactly what they are”.
These mysterious objects have inexplicable behavior that "we can't explain", Obama also said. "They did not have an easily explainable pattern, and so, you know, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is," Obama also said.
Without elaborating his own views on what these mysterious objects were, Obama concluded by saying, "I have nothing to report to you today." 

Biden's Non-Response Response---
"The president ducked a question Friday on "unidentified aerial phenomena" — the subject of renewed interest as the Senate awaits a report from U.S. intelligence agencies on the matter — when a
reporter asked him about recent remarks by his former boss.
President Obama says there is footage and records of objects in the sky — these unidentified aerial phenomena — and he says we don’t know exactly what they are. What do you think?” a reporter asked Biden near the end of a joint news conference with South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the White House.
Biden smiled and responded, “I would ask him again,” before thanking everyone and exiting so quickly he didn’t take his translation earpiece out."
JESUITS Chime In---
"At one point in our history, the discussion of nonhuman persons would have been limited to Wookies like Chewbacca in Star Wars or Vulcans like Spock in Star Trek.
But with the stunning 60 Minutes segment on UFOs this week, it is now fair to say not only that we have something close to strong evidence that we are not alone in the universe but that the idea has gone mainstream.
There is some chance that these vehicles could be supersecret spy technology from, say, China or Russia that we previously didn’t know about. But in light of documented movements that no other known aircraft can pull off — even when flying into a massive headwind and without having any kind of exhaust plume — the UFO explanation is, remarkably, more likely at this point.
 The Catholic intellectual tradition stands ready to help humanity interpret and process the fact that we are not alone in the universe.
I’ve heard lots of folks over the years speculate on what the reality of nonhuman persons on other plants would mean for religious belief — implying that it would be some kind of challenge or problem. But I agree with Ezra Klein, who argued in a recent New York Times
column that the challenge is actually more profound for his own secular worldview, which positions humanity as a kind of cosmic accident in an empty cosmos.
On the contrary, Klein notes, religious traditions have always believed that we share both Earth and the larger universe with other intelligent beings: angels, demons, demigods, jinn and other kinds of nonhuman intelligences.
We’ve lost that mindset in the developed West as Klein’s worldview has become dominant, but in a course I teach for theology majors titled “Animals, Angels and Aliens: Beyond the Human in Christian Thought,” I try to help my students understand and appreciate a wider, more open-minded view of the universe, and how recognizing the existence of other powers and principalities might break down their largely myopic worldviews.
One of the texts I use in the course is Thomas F. O’Meara’s book “Vast Universe,” which gives newbies a nice survey of thought about extraterrestrials and Christian revelation. From Origen in the third century to Thomas Aquinas in the 13th to the Renaissance thinkers of the 15th and 16th centuries, there is already a robust set of theological reflections on a host of questions that nonhuman persons on other planets produce.
Did Jesus die for them too? Or would they need their own Incarnation and savior? Or maybe they didn’t have a primeval original sin that disordered their nature and environment and therefore wouldn’t have the “happy fault” that produced our particular history of salvation? Are they governed by our sense of right and wrong or would it be quite different? Or would they be capable of sinning at all?.....our becoming aware of the existence of other rational creatures in the cosmos would likely reinvigorate theological inquiry quite dramatically, and the church’s intellectual tradition on these questions would be brought to bear in exciting and important ways."
The Reality Of It All----
"The question is: were the “leaks” authorized by Pentagon spooks to stoke the public imagination of visitors from space? The Pentagon doesn’t actually say what it believes the UFOs are, only that the videos are “authentic”.
 The government has never told the truth about anything yet suddenly is coming clean on aliens and UFOs?
Also, the alleged sightings of UFOs invariably are associated with U.S. military training grounds or high-security areas. 
Moreover, the released videos that have spurred renewed public
interest in UFOs are always suspiciously of poor quality, grainy and low resolution. Several researchers, such as Mick West, have cogently debunked the videos as optical illusions. That’s not to say that the U.S. air force or naval personnel were fabricating the images. They may genuinely believe that they were witnessing something extraordinary. But as rational optics experts have pointed out there are mundane explanations for seeming unusual aerial observations, such as drones or balloons drifting at high speed in differential wind conditions, or by the crew mistaking a far-off aircraft dipping over the horizon for an object they believe to be much closer.
The military people who take the videos in good – albeit misplaced – faith about what they are witnessing are not the same as the military or intelligence people who see an opportunity with the videos to exploit the public in a psychological operation. 
Fomenting public anxieties, or even just curiosity, about aliens and super-technology is an expedient way to exert control over the population. At a time when governing authorities are being questioned by a distrustful public and when military-intelligence establishments are viewed as having lost a sense of purpose, what better way to realign public respect by getting them to fret over alien marauders from whom they need protection?
However, more worrying still is that there is a dangerous reinforcing crossover of the two propaganda realms. The fueling of UFO speculation is feeding directly into speculation that U.S. airspace is being invaded by high-tech weapons developed by Russia or China.
U.S. lawmakers are demanding answers from the Pentagon about whether the aerial “encounters” are advanced weaponry from foreign
enemies who are surveilling the American homeland at will. 
Some U.S. air force aviators have recently expressed to the media a feeling of helplessness in the face of seeming superior technology.
At a time of heightened animosity towards Russia and China and febrile talk among Pentagon chiefs about the possibility of all-out war, it is not difficult to imagine, indeed it is disturbingly easy to imagine, how optical illusions about alien phenomena could trigger false alarms attributed to Russian or Chinese military incursions.
The stoking of UFO controversy appears to be a classic psyops perpetrated by U.S. military intelligence for the objective of population control. Its aim is to corral the citizenry under the authority of the state and for them to accept the protector function of “our” military. The big trouble is that the psyops with aliens are, in turn, risking the exacerbation of fears and tensions with Russia and China." 