Wednesday, May 5, 2021

IN the NEWS - India Continues to Burn

... and pestilences,.... in divers places.
Matthew 24:7
"The nightmare tormenting South Asia’s second most populous country, is causing a rapid decline in the population due to the recent outbreak of COVID cases. 

According to the Associated Press (AP), India’s official count of COVID cases now exceeds the 20 million mark. Not only is the country battling the positivity rate, it is also losing the war of supplying enough hospital beds and oxygen tanks. 
Krishan Singh, another Fort Wayne resident with family in India. “We are helpless, the only thing we are doing is looking at the Facebook and seeing people dying and there’s not enough space.

Krishan Singh said what is mind boggling, is with so many deaths, the funeral homes are so backed up that families aren’t able to do a proper cremation with the traditional ceremony.

They had to wait five hours at the funeral for their turn, and they were only given 15 minutes to burn the body,” Krishan Singh said.[My family], can’t help but to see dead people in the streets. People are just burning dead bodies. WANEtv