Thursday, May 20, 2021

IN the NEWS - Awards for Taking the Knee to Rome Coming May 25

.... and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. Revelation 18:3
"Argentinean priest, Augusto Zampini, is the Director of the Vatican’s Development and Faith Commission at the Dicastery for Integral Human Development.

He recently announced that on May 25, 2021 the Vatican will “launch the Laudato Si’ action plan” that will create “a massive movement of families, parishes, schools and universities, health centers and hospitals, business and governments” to combat climate change. 
Zampini said that the idea is to get everyone to commit to the “seven Laudato Si’ resolutions and at each step, you get a credit, a Laudato Si’ award. 
A coalition of governments is working together with the First Beast of Revelation 13 to gain power and control over everything and everyone. This movement will culminate into a national Sunday law during the mark of the beast crisis. 
---All the churches are coming together. 
---All the nations are uniting. ” 