Friday, May 28, 2021

Creation Moment 5/29/2021 - Blurk

I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; Proverbs 24:30

"Make up a nonsense word. It conveys just as much understanding as saying, “It evolved.”

Blurk” is a new word, just made up. Let us substitute it into sentences typically found in papers about evolution:

  • Scientists determine how the hippopotamus blurked a thick skin.
  • Blurky medicine finds reasons for human diseases like diabetes.
  • Unrelated species arrived at similar leaf shapes by convergent blurkification.
  • The new research sheds light on how the process was orchestrated by blurk to its present optimum.
  • The investigators feel their work brings us closer to understanding how life originally blurked.

Now, teach this word to students K through 12 and on into college and grad school. 

Tell them all scientists believe in blurk. Those minority anti-blurkers are a stain on science and an embarrassment to their country. Unless students learn how blurk works, their country will fall behind in scientific leadership. 

What is blurk? Whatever it means, it implies change over time, which can be up, down, or sideways, and it comes about by the Stuff Happens Law. The goal for all science majors is to shloop their way to becoming reputable blurkists. Then they will gain “understanding.”CEH