Wednesday, May 19, 2021

ARCHAEOLOGY: Marine Fossils way down in Holzmaden

And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days.
Genesis 7:24
"A fossilized squid-like cephalopod holds crustacean remains in its arm crown and, in turn, represents the remains of the meal of a predatory shark, according to a new study.

  The unique fossil dates back from the Early Jurassic epoch....was originally found in 1970 by the fossil collector Dieter Weber.
The slab was extracted from the Posidonienschiefer Formation (Posidonia Shale) exposed in the now abandoned Gonser quarry at Ohmden near Holzmaden in Germany.
We suggest the term leftover fall for the event and the term pabulite
for the fossilized meal when it never entered the digestive tract,
” the paleontologists said.
Usually, pabulites are incomplete organismal remains and show traces of the predation.”
The belemnite belongs to Passaloteuthis laevigata, a well-known and frequent belemnite species in the lowermost Toarcian of Europe and Morocco." SciNews