Tuesday, May 25, 2021

ARCHAEOLOGY: The Glossopteris Tree Stump

"A team of international researchers has discovered fossil tree fragments in Antarctica
These fossils add to the growing list discovered on the icy continent, leading some to believe that its landscape was once covered in lush forest
---Among the latest discoveries were fossil microorganisms, fungi, and even original amino acids that have been preserved inside the wood.

The team released a picture of a fossilized Glossopteris tree stump,

which they claimed still had the roots intact. The now extinct tree potentially grew up to 100 feet in height with long, tongue-shaped leaves. The team believes that the trees were rapidly covered with volcanic ash and then turned to stone.

They’re actually some of the best-preserved fossil plants in the world,”

one researcher said.

The fungi in the wood itself were probably mineralized and turned into stone within a matter of weeks, in some cases probably while the tree was still alive. These things happened incredibly rapidly. You could have witnessed it firsthand if you were there.”

The rapid fossilization is no surprise to Biblical creationists, but does not sit well with the evolutionary story of rock layers supposedly millions of years old. 

If the team’s assumptions about the fossils’ origins are correct, they were likely formed during the first half of Noah’s Flood when there was great volcanic activity when the fountains of the great deep broke up (In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. Genesis 7:11)." CMI