Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The 3 "overturn's" (interesting observation)

"....words of Christ found in Matt. xxii, 21: "Render, therefore, unto Cesar the things which are Cesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."
At the time our Savior spoke these words Cesar was the embodiment
of all the power of civil
government in the world. There were scattered people on the outskirts of the jurisdiction of Rome, but they were known simply as barbarians and uncivilized.  
Rome represented all . . . . and state. He was the first one who ever declared this principle that divorces civil government and religion. 
The nations of the past had connected church and state, in Babylon and Medo-Persia, the king legislated concerning matters of religion, and Cesar himself was Pontifex Maximus, Supreme Pontiff, or Pope, and in him was vested the power to appoint fast days, etc. 
It was through this very prerogative that Constantine, in the fourth century, made a law enforcing the observance of the venerable day of the sun. Not only in idolatrous nations was church and state united, but in Judea itself religion was made a matter of law, for the law of God was the law of the land. The government of Israel was a theocracy, a government of God. 
David's throne was to be established forever as the throne of the
Lord, and
Christ, as the seed of David, was to rule on the throne of David, his father. 
But in the time of Zedekiah concerning the kingdom the Lord said: "I will overturn, overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is, and I will give it to him." 
It was overturned by three successive nations, and then Christ came. But it was to be no more before it was to be given to him whose right it is.  
Christ did not receive His throne on earth at that time. He says himself: "My kingdom is not of this world."A.T.Jones
Then Christ came during Rome....