Monday, April 19, 2021

"Return of the Jews" ?

 "FOR anybody to claim, to advocate, or to believe in, the "return of the Jews," shows that such person has no true conception of the gospel

the Lord's appeal to all people before this people were scattered,–"What could have been done more. . . . that I have not done?" (Isaiah 5:4).
The final thing which the Lord did, was, as He Himself says, to send His Son. And, in His Son, God gave Himself; for "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself;" (2 Corinthians 5:19) .... And any Jew can find all this any moment that he chooses, and at any place that he may be in this wide world. 
---He can find it in America as well as in Palestine: he can find it in New York City, in Hongkong, in Calcutta, in London, or anywhere else, just as well as in Jerusalem?  
Q: Then, what possible need can there be that the Jews should return to Jerusalem? 
Q: What can God do for them there, more than He did for the Jews before they were ever scattered from there? 
Q:  Has He another Son whom He can give? 
Q: Has he yet a greater gift than Himself that He can bestow? 
---It is perfectly plain, therefore, that any claim of the return of the Jews to Jerusalem, or to Palestine, betrays an utter lack of the true value of the gospel.  
*Another feature of this claim of the return of the Jews, which betrays an absolute lack of knowledge of the gospel, is that those who claim it actually hold not only that the Jews are to return, but that they are to rebuild the city of Jerusalem, to rebuild the temple, and re-establish the temple services, sacrifices, offerings, etc., etc. 
----But since the time of the offering of Christ once for all, the offering of a sacrifice is the denial of Christ
----And the establishment of a priestly service on earth is a denial of the priesthood of Christ, which is simply denial of His intercession."A.T. Jones