Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Papal Notes - Cruz spills beans on Francis

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13
 "Juan Carlos Cruzgay 
journalist and survivor of clerical sexual abuse, is claiming that Pope Francis is "
hurt" by the Vatican's Feb. 22 declaration affirming Catholic teachings on marriage and human sexuality — despite having endorsed the declaration.
"I spoke with the pope," Cruz told Chile's La Tercera newspaper in an April 10 article, adding, "I
n't want to betray a confidence, but I know that the pope is a man who is very hurt by this, although ultimately he is responsible
It was Cruz who in 2018 told various media that Francis commented about his homosexuality, "God has made you like this." Cruz identifies as a Catholic." CM