Friday, April 23, 2021

Papal Notes - Correcting Francis' Earth Day Message

....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3
"Pope Francis said in his Earth Day message on Thursday that the
planet was "at the brink" and humanity had to avoid "the path of self destruction."
He cited the Covid-19 pandemic coupled with the effects of climate change and said nature could not continue to be disrespected, because it would "no longer forgive." U.S. News & World Report
First, the earth is on the brink---but not of an eco-apocalypse but rather an apocalypse brought about by the heart of man that will be exhibited in his wondering after the beast.

Second, we do have to avoid the path of self destruction--but not one due to the myth of man made climate change but rather one of of a deluded post-deluvian world that is self absorbed with hardness of hearts.

Third, it's not so-called nature that can't forgive--but rather the coming of the CLOSE OF PROBATION when God will no longer be able to Forgive....