Sunday, April 18, 2021

IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Stalking his own in Chicago & Portland

 ...foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.... Romans 1:31
"In a tale that’s rife with irony, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot
apparently had the police come to her neighborhood to protect her from the violent BLM mobs that she has spurred on. This was after she criticized this same police force earlier in the day regarding the Adam Toledo shooting.

The crowd chanted “Hey hey, ho ho, Lori Lightfoot’s got to go!” as the march started.

Radical leftist Lori Lightfoot is no longer far left enough to satisfy the raging mobs." GWP
"Portland isn’t even safe for left wing journalists anymore. 
Justin Yau, best known for his Twitter account @PDocumentarians and occasional contributions to left wing propaganda rag Willamette Week, has now been targeted and attacked by antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists. *PEACEFULLY*, of course. 
And oh yeah, he happens to be Asian. 
This went down at today’s protest in outer Southeast Portland, where police shot and killed a man. Now all of a sudden people in the left wing media, such as Mike Baker, are shocked to see the mobs turn against them. This after years of these same “journalists” and media outlets explaining away and excusing the mob violence from left wing militants, and often times encouraging the carnage." GWP