Saturday, April 17, 2021

Health Note - couple of things you can do.....

 I wish above all things that thou mayest... be in health...
3 John 1:2
"Sleep is the foundation of your energy. If you don’t get enough
sleep, you’ll start to underperform.

While some people claim to work best on six or less hours of sleep, research says they’re kidding themselves. Seven to eight hours are pretty much mandatory if you’re going to stay cognitively sharp in the long-run. 

Exercise is a long-term investment in your energy levels. It’s easy to

cut in the short-term, but over time you’ll reduce your overall fitness, making it harder to think straight and stay alert throughout the day.

If you struggle to find time for exercise, don’t make going to the gym your prerequisite. Make a habit of doing some pushups every day throughout the day. These will get your heart pumping and blood moving, and they don’t require setting aside two hours from your already busy schedule." ePocket