Thursday, April 8, 2021

Creation Moment 4/9/2021 - Lesson from our Groaning DNA

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
"Our DNA picks up too many mutations for us to survive into the infinite future. Truly, without Christ, our days are numbered.
In genetics, we can see that mutations are too frequent. 
---Mutations are ‘spelling’ mistakes in our DNA that occur when our cells reproduce. 
---Every person born has maybe 100 brand-new spelling errors in their genome. 
---Most of these mutations have only a very small effect. 
In one way, this has helped to preserve the human race for the past several thousand years of our existence. 
In another way, it is like our population is being slowly poisoned. 
If spelling errors are being introduced to a book every time a new one is printed, 
Q: how many copies can be made before the book is entirely useless? 
It is clear that complex organisms cannot last for millions of years more. 
But that also means our species could not be millions of years old." CMI