Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Creation Moment 4/14/2021 - Oliver Wendell Holmes vs. God

"....former Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Oliver
Wendell Holmes, states, “I see no reason for attributing to man a significance different in kind from that which belongs to a baboon or a grain of sand.
".....the Bible presents a very different picture of humanity. 
---You are special, but not primarily as the result of your talents, accomplishments, education, or upbringing. 
---Your significance significance is tied to how your Creator views you. 
God created human beings in His image and likeness
These words are used interchangeably in the Book of Genesis, but only when referring to mankind (Genesis 1:26, 5:1, 9:26). 
No animal or plant is made in God’s image or likeness. 
For this reason, human beings should be viewed as the crowning jewel of God’s creative activity."
 Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; 
Genesis 1:26