Sunday, April 11, 2021

Creation Moment 4/12/2021 - Quasars

By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Psalm 33:6

"Now we read in an online news report that astronomers think they have detected a dozen quasars in a disappearing act—the so-called changing-look quasars’. 

Or they have been caught transitioning into their quiescent and dimmer counterparts—galaxies with starving black holes at their cores. 
This fact has left astronomers asking whether these objects are shutting down permanently or simply flickering out for the time being.Last year Stephanie LaMassa from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (then at Yale University) discovered the greatest change in luminosity ever detected in a quasar. She was digging through data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey when she found that a quasar had dimmed in brightness by a factor of six in just 10 years. Its spectrum changed, too, from that of a classic quasar to a regular galaxy.”
Because astronomers believe in the very long timescale big bang paradigm they are forced to suggest any rapid dimming in the luminosity of any quasar must be either a transient effect or the very rare chance of observing the fuel exhausted from a supermassive black hole. 
One report states that:Astronomers can’t find any sign of the black hole at the center of the quasar SDSS J1011+5442, and they couldn’t be happier.
In the case of this quasar it is alleged that:“... over the past ten years, it appears to have swallowed all the gas in its vicinity. With the gas fallen into the black hole, astronomers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) were unable to detect the spectroscopic signature of the quasar, which now appears as an otherwise normal galaxy.”
The dimming was very significant and now appears like a normal galaxy.“‘The difference was stunning and unprecedented,’ said John Ruan of the University of Washington, lead author of a related paper ... . ‘The hydrogen-alpha emission dropped by a factor of 50 in less than twelve years, and the quasar now looks like a normal galaxy.’ The change was so great that throughout the SDSS collaboration and astronomy community, the quasar became known as a ‘changing-look quasar.”
However, one of the newly discovered, rapidly dimming quasar did re-brighten.And one of the 12 newly discover-ed objects did not just disappear but reappear. Krolik thinks that this lonely quasar blazed back into existence for the same reason that it flickered out: a variation in the gas and dust flowing onto the black hole.”
A different explanation is one consistent with the work of the late
Halton Arp where he suggested that quasars are born from the hearts of active parent galaxies. Over time, which he had no measure of, the ejected quasars transitioned from active, highly luminous, high redshift objects with BEL line spectra to the usual field galaxies with much lower redshifts and typical spectra. Quasars are ejected in opposite directions from the nucleus of an active galaxy and over time they change their internal state including redshift, which decreases with finite discrete steps towards the commonly observed low redshift in field galaxies. Thus quasars and active galactic nuclei become normal galaxies.
 Rapid changes in the emission properties of the quasars, on timescales very much in line with a creation scenario, are observed. In the case of a creation process of galaxies formed from AGNs—the parent galaxies—and the ejected galaxies in the form of quasars, it would be essential that the quasars (at least some of them) have changed to normal galaxies in a period less than the time since Creation, that is less than about 6,000 years. 
However, it is also expected that many galaxies were created in their current forms, but if Arp’s evidence for quasars and active galactic nuclei transitioning to normal galaxies is correct, then this is what would be expected in the Biblical Creation model." CMI