Saturday, April 10, 2021

Creation Moment 4/11/2021 - Survey Says.....

And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Lie with me. But he refused, and said unto his master's wife..... how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God? Genesis 39:8-10

"Does what one believes about creation and evolution affect his worldview?  
....evolutionism spreads like cancer from the geology or biology
textbook to every area of personal ethics and public policy.
Creationists have advanced the idea that what one believes about creation and evolution affects his worldview. 
For example, 
---Morris stated in the "When Two Worldviews Collide" videotape, "wrong thinking always begets wrong behavior and evolution is wrong thinking." 
---Ham said, "there is a connection between origins and issues affecting society such as marriage, clothing, abortion, sexual deviancy, parental authority, etc." 
---Barnes  claims, "not only have many given away institutions of higher learning to the evolutionary establishment, but they are also giving away their own children to be trained in an evolutionary mind set. This is causing our children to abandon Judeo-Christian values upon which our society is founded." 
Since the majority agreed with the design intent of all of the survey questions, the survey is considered valid. Of those that responded to a question, the experts unanimously agreed with the design intent on 14 of the 18 questions. The remaining questions only had one dissenting opinion each. This means that the survey measures origins belief and moral views.
The overall reliability coefficient is 0.17. 
Since the F statistic for the individuals is significant (1.19, p<0.01), the reliability coefficient is significant. 
Blalock provides another means of determining the significance of a correlation coefficient. 
By this method, an F statistic is calculated for the r-v a l u e with the following equation: 
F1 ,n-2= r2( N-2 )  
Therefore, F1,313=(0.17)21-(0.17)2(311)=9 . 3 
From Ary et al., FD1,313=6.73. 
Since F>FD the r-value is significant and the survey is reliable. With the reliability being significant, the survey results are meaningful for this population and any relationships identified are indicative of the views of the population and cannot be the result of random chance.
These questions ask if the subjects believe whether increasing stages of intimacy are morally acceptable for two people who love each
other but are not married.
It appears that those with a creationist view tend to disagree that heavy petting is morally acceptable more so than those with an evolution belief......results showed that the more one believes in creation the more he views sexual intercourse between two people who love each other but are not married as morally unacceptable " ICR