Monday, March 1, 2021

What Nazi's thought of Christianity

When Government leaders Turn on God....The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: Jeremiah 17:9
"According to Himmler biographer Peter Longerich, Himmler
believed that a major task of the SS should be "acting as the vanguard in overcoming Christianity and restoring a 'Germanic' way of living" as part of preparations for the coming conflict between "humans and subhumans".
Longerich wrote that, while the Nazi movement as a whole launched itself against Jews, "by linking de-Christianisation with re-Germanization, Himmler had provided the SS with a goal and purpose all of its own".  
Himmler was vehemently opposed
---to Christian sexual morality 
---and the "principle of Christian mercy", both of which he saw as dangerous obstacles to his planned battle with "subhumans". In 1937, Himmler declared:

We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives. This task does not consist solely in overcoming an ideological opponent but must be accompanied at every step by a positive impetus: in this case that means the reconstruction of the German heritage in the widest and most comprehensive sense.

In early 1937, Himmler had his personal staff work with academics to create a framework to replace Christianity within the Germanic cultural heritage." wiki