Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Trek from Eden to Eden

"By Satan's deception Adam was robbed of his innocency, by reason of which he transmitted tendencies to his posterity, and brought them under the influence of sinful surroundings. 
He brought a curse upon his dominion, so that the lovely earth which God pronounced very good, over the creation of which the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy (Job. 38:4-7), was caused to bring forth thorns and thistles and poisonous weeds; and the animals which were made subject to man, have become wild and ferocious, and even man is the enemy of his fellow-man.
---The earth itself groans beneath the weight of its corruption and its curse, 
---and the angels of Heaven weep over the triumphs of the enemy, temporary though they are. 
?:  Shall Satan's triumph be forever? 
?: If so, then Christ died in vain; then were the promises made in vain.

--Let us behold at a glance what was lost, and what must be done for its recovery.
Adam Lost 
1. His innocence.
2. His Dominion.
3. His Life. 
He Left Us
1. Sinful.
2. Homeless.
3. Dying.
The Seed Must
1. Take away our Sin.
2. Restore the Dominion.
3. Give us Life.

---If there should be a failure in any of these points, then the failure would be complete, for just so far would Satan remain triumphant. But who could entertain the idea that God would suffer his purpose in creating the world to be forever frustrated by Satan? 
The angel said that Jesus should save his people from their sins (Matt. 1:21); 
And he has promised also to give unto his people eternal life (John 10:28); 
---When all this is accomplished, then all the works of the devil
will be destroyed. All that Adam lost will be restored by the seed of the woman..."
Joseph Waggoner