Sunday, March 28, 2021

Papal Notes - Francis' Radical Politics & Scandal = Financial Pain for Beaest Power

But yet ....and all the world wondered after the beast. Rev.13:3

"Catholics who "believe in the mission of the Church and want to support the Holy Father" continue to support the Vatican's finances, Alves said, urging the faithful to imitate the widow in the gospel "who gave a small amount — everything she had."

 Donors have increasingly withheld contributions to the scandal-ridden fund after recent revelations that up to 90% of money is being used to plug administrative deficits, while as little as 10% is spent on charitable works.
The closure of the Vatican museums may have resulted in a loss of over €22 million so far. Museum fees generate over €80 million each year, with around 20,000 daily visitors. Around €20 million is earned from souvenirs and corporate hospitality. 

Francis has been a staunch supporter of lockdowns — despite scientific studies revealing the futility of the draconian measures to contain the spread of the China virus.
The pontiff has also used the global lockdowns to call for a "great reset" wherein "the world could be organized differently," including by government providing a universal basic income.
The pontiff has attacked anti-lockdown protestors, calling them "victims only in their own imagination — those who claim, for example, that being forced to wear a mask is an unwarranted imposition by the State, yet who forget or do not care about those who cannot rely, for example, on social security, or who have lost their jobs."
During Holy Week 2020, the Vatican issued a memo forecasting "heavy repercussions" for "the economic and financial situation of the Holy See and of the State of Vatican City" that will "only become more serious with the passing of time," ChurchMilitant