Sunday, March 21, 2021

Mental Inebriates

*Apply this from the Storybook onto the Silver Screen....
"With the cultivation of an appetite for sensational stories, the mental taste is perverted, and the mind is not satisfied unless fed upon this unwholesome food. 

I can think of no more fitting name for those who indulge in such reading than mental inebriates
Intemperate habits of reading have an effect upon the brain similar to that which intemperate habits of eating and drinking have upon the body.
At times your mind is scarcely sane because the imagination has been overexcited and diseased by reading fictitious stories. The mind should be so disciplined that all its powers will be symmetrically developed…." E.G.W.
Finally, brethren, 
whatsoever things are true
whatsoever things are honest
whatsoever things are just
whatsoever things are pure
whatsoever things are lovely
whatsoever things are of good report
if there be any virtue
and if there be any praise
think on these things.
Philippians 4:8