Friday, March 5, 2021

Luther on Kingdom of Babylon / Nimrod

And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof... Micah 5:6
"Eck and Emser, with their fellows, undertook to instruct me concerning the primacy of the pope. 

Here too, not to be ungrateful to such learned folk, I acknowledge how greatly I have profited by their labors. 
For, while denying the divine authority of the papacy, I still admitted its human authority.  
---But--- after hearing and reading the subtle subtleties of these pretentious and conceited men, with which they skilfully prop their idol – for in these matters my mind is not altogether unreachable – I now know of a certainty that the papacy is the kingdom of Babylon and the power of Nimrod the mighty hunter." Martin Luther