Saturday, March 13, 2021

Isaiah 53 SERIES - Verse 7

 Commentary of Charles Spurgeon, Adam Clarke & Matthew Henry
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, 
yet he opened not his mouth: 
he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter
and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, 
so he openeth not his mouth.
He was oppressed, injuriously treated and hardly dealt with. 
That was laid to his charge which he was perfectly innocent of, that laid upon him which he did not deserve, and in both he was
oppressed and injured.  
He was afflicted both in mind and body; being oppressed, he laid it to heart, and, though, he was patient, was not stupid under it, but mingled his tears with those of the oppressed, that have no comforter, because on the side of the oppressors there is power, Eccl. 4:1.
....yet he opened not his mouth , no, not so much as to plead his own innocency, but freely offered himself to suffer and die for us, and objected nothing against it.... This commandment he received from his Father, and therefore he was led as a lamb to the slaughter, without any difficulty or reluctance (he is the Lamb of God); and as a sheep is dumb before the shearers, nay, before the butchers, so he opened not his mouth, which denotes not only his exemplary patience under affliction.
He was wounded in his hands, and feet, and side. Though it was so ordered that not a bone of him should be broken, yet he had scarcely in any part a whole skin, but from the crown of his head, which was crowned with thorns, to the soles of his feet, which were nailed to the cross, nothing appeared but wounds and bruises.