Sunday, March 7, 2021

Isaiah 53 SERIES - Verse 1

Commentary of Charles Spurgeon, Adam Clarke & Matthew Henry
Who hath believed our report? 

and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?
This chapter contains a beautiful summary of the most peculiar and distinguishing doctrines of Christianity.

The contempt they put upon the gospel of Christ.
The unbelief of the Jews in our Savior's time is expressly said to be
the fulfilling of this word, Jn. 12:38
And it is applied likewise to the little success which the apostles' preaching met with among Jews and Gentiles, Rom. 10:16

Therefore people believe not the report of the gospel, because the arm of the Lord is not revealed to them; they do not discern, nor will be brought to acknowledge, that divine power which goes along with the word. 
The arm of the Lord is made bare (as was said, ch. 52:10) in the miracles that were wrought to confirm Christ's doctrine, in the wonderful success of it, and its energy upon the conscience; ...They believe not the gospel because, by rebelling against the light they had, they had forfeited the grace of God, which therefore he justly denied them and withheld from them, and for want of that they believed not. 
This chapter is so replenished with the unsearchable riches of Christ that it may be called rather the gospel of the evangelist Isaiah than the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah.