Friday, March 26, 2021

Health Note - Caffeine Withdrawls

I wish above all things that thou .... be in health...
3 John 1:2
"The first day of a caffeine detox is typically the hardest. 

Within hours, you’ll most likely become irritable and experience brain fog and headaches, which happens to 50 percent of people.
After One Week....Expect to feel the full effects of caffeine withdrawal during this time..... it usually takes 72 hours to get over the symptoms of withdrawal, which include constipation, headaches, insomnia, and dizziness. 
After One Month....If you were a light caffeine consumer, your body
will start reverting to the way it was before you started to regularly consume caffeine. Your brain will eventually begin to develop more
adenosine receptors (which communicate to you when it’s time to go to sleep and help regulate blood flow to arteries) after being blocked by caffeine molecules for such a long time
After six months..... a person should be back to the baseline. Sleep, mental health, and digestion will all be back to the way they may have been before the individual used caffeine." Domino/RavenIshak