Monday, March 22, 2021

Genesis 1 SERIES - Verse 3

 Commentary of Charles Spurgeon, Adam Clarke & Matthew Henry
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God said, Let there be light - אור ויהי אור הי Yehi or, vaihi.
Nothing can be conceived more dignified than this form of expression. 
It argues at once uncontrollable authority, and omnific power; and in human language it is scarcely possible to conceive that God can speak more like himself. 

He spoke, and it was done: with him it was dictum, factum—a word, and a world.
---That the first of all visible beings which God created was light.
---The works of Satan and his servants are works of darkness.
Darkness would have been perpetually upon the face of fallen man if the Son of God had not come.
Light is one of the most astonishing productions of the creative skill and power of God. It is the grand medium by which all his other works are discovered, examined, and understood, so far as they can be known. Its immense diffusion and extreme velocity are alone sufficient to demonstrate the being and wisdom of God