Monday, March 22, 2021

Creation Moment 3/23/2021 - "Amazing" Power of --- Jupiter

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds... Hebrews 1:2;

"New results from the Ultraviolet Spectrograph instrument on NASA’s Juno mission reveal for the first time the birth of auroral dawn storms – the early morning brightening unique to Jupiter’s spectacular aurorae. 
Researchers found 
---dawn storms are born on the nightside of the gas giant. 
---As the planet rotates, the soon-to-be dawn storm rotates with it into the dayside, where these complex and intensely bright auroral features grow even more luminous, emitting anywhere from hundreds to thousands of gigawatts of ultraviolet light into space. 
---The jump in brightness implies that dawn storms are dumping at least 10 times more energy into Jupiter’s upper atmosphere than typical aurora.
 “The power that Jupiter possesses is amazing. The energy in these dawn aurorae is yet another example of how powerful this giant planet really is,” said Scott Bolton....The dawn storm revelations are another surprise from the Juno mission, which is constantly rewriting the book on how giant planet’s work." SciTechDaily