Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Creation Moment 3/18/2021 - Earth was Never Totally Molten

"Secularist researchers have concluded that the inner core of the
earth “shouldn’t exist”. 
Based on density measurements from seismic studies, the center of the earth is thought to be a solid sphere of primarily iron-nickel alloy, with a diameter of c.750 miles. Surrounding this solid inner core is a molten outer core. 
Naturalistic, long-age scientists believe the earth was once completely molten.  
---They can’t explain how the inner core cooled sufficiently to become solid metal, given the massive pressures involved, even supposing an age of the earth of 4.5 billion years. The physics just doesn’t add up.
However, the Bible tells us that God formed the earth from water around 6,000 years ago, contrary to all naturalistic theories. The earth was never completely molten. God’s comment is apt: “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding” (Job 38:4)." CMI