Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Creation Moment 3/10/2021 - No you are NOT from Mars

And the LORD God formed man ...breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

"NASA’s most specialized life-hunting laboratory to date, the rover Perseverance, successfully landed on the Red Planet

It’s a great feat of scientific ingenuity and achievement. Now that it is safely there, its mission begins as it rolls down what are supposedly ancient riverbeds in search of an answer to the question, “is there, or was there, life on Mars?” 
For many scientists, it is more than just a hope that microbial life will be found in clays on Mars.
Some hope this will give insight into our own supposed evolutionary origins.  
For example, a recent popular science article quotes planetary scientist Christopher Carr who says, “There’s a number of things that have come to light only recently, which strongly support at least the plausibility of an origin of life on Mars and its potential transfer to Earth.” 
---In other words, your great-great-great (many more greats!) grandmother might have been a Martiana microbial Martian anyway. 
Q: Now why do researchers like Carr believe this? 
A: Well, because the supposed conditions on the early Earth weren’t ideal for producing life. So they believe perhaps the conditions on Mars were better, and life managed to get from the red planet to our blue planet, where it gained a foothold and eventually evolved into all the varied lifeforms we have today. 
It’s just storytelling to try to rescue a false worldview." AIG