Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Q: Where will our Collective Madness Lead?

 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Galatians 1:6

Q: Will this Collective Madness Gripping America Lead into the Mark of the Beast?
When Christians call for honoring God during calamities, will the olive branch used to get
the non-christian world to go along be Laudato Si' style environmentalism? One side to appease an angry Father God joined by those to appease an angry mother earth to set aside a day to reduce our so-called carbon footprint?  (Common Ground Found in the name of the Common Good)
Even Texas has foolishly gone down the path that led to rolling blackouts twice this century in California by attempting to go green. The elites that push this green nonsense can't be reasoned with.
And they can't be stopped--at ballot boxes or in the public arena--for they control most
media narratives, big tech and the education and even entertainment industry. They have even made inroads into Christendom including our Church at the flagship magazine for the denomination.
Now imagine these extremists seeing an opportunity to get their narrow Eco-Fascist worldview forced through the backdoor of religion--and ALL resources poured into influencing public opinion--and silencing public dissent on the topic. 
The Mark of the Beast (counterfeit sabbath) could be the Green religions Golden Opportunity.....will it be the result of a Kumbaya Moment between the Right and Left in American Politics?

"These are crazy times:
--A pandemic led to national quarantine;
-- to self-induced recession; 
--to riot, arson, and looting; 
--to a contested election; 
--and to a riot at the U.S. Capitol.
---We are told man-made, worldwide climate change - as in the now-discarded term “global warming” - can best be addressed by massive dislocations in the U.S. economy.

The Biden administration plans to shut down coal plants. It will halt even nearly completed new gas and oil pipelines. It will cut back on fracking to embrace the multitrillion-dollar “Green New Deal.”
Americans should pause and examine the utter disaster that unfolded recently in Texas and its environs.
Parts of the American Southwest were covered in ice and snow for days. Nighttime temperatures crashed to near zero in some places.
The state, under pressure, had been transitioning from its near-limitless and cheap reservoirs of natural gas and other fossil fuels to generating power through wind and solar.
Q: But what happens to millions of Texans when wind turbines
freeze up while storm clouds extinguish solar power
A: We are witnessing the answer in oil- and gas-rich but energy-poor Texas that is all but shut down.
Millions are shivering without electricity and affordable heating. Some may die or become ill by this self-induced disaster — one fueled by man-made ideological rigidity.
Texas’ use of natural gas in power generation has helped the United States curb carbon emissions. Ignoring it for unreliable wind and solar alternatives was bound to have catastrophic consequences whenever a politically incorrect nature did not follow the global warming script..........The rolling blackouts that plunged up to 15 million Texans into darkness amid a historic cold snap are diminishing by the end of the week. About 188k customers were without power in the state on Friday morning. Days after power prices jumped from $50 per Megawatt to more than $9,000, the horror stories pour in for those who had power this week during grid chaos as they are mind-boggled how their energy bills skyrocketed.
 ---In 2019, a special counsel wrapped up a 22-month, $35 million investigation into then-President Donald Trump’s alleged “collusion” with Russia in the 2016 election. Robert Mueller and his team searched long and hard for a crime and came up empty.

Then, Trump was impeached in December 2019 and acquitted in the Senate in early 2020. His purported crime was warning the Ukrainians about the Biden family’s quid pro quo racketeering.
After the revelations concerning Hunter Biden’s shenanigans not only in Ukraine but also in Kazakhstan and China, Trump’s admonitions now seem prescient rather than impeachable.
Trump had been threatened with removal from office under the 25th Amendment. He was accused of violating the Logan Act and the Constitution’s emoluments clause. His executive orders were often declared unconstitutional if not seditious.
Finally, an exasperated left decided to flog the presidential corpse of now private citizen Trump. It did so without a Supreme Court chief justice to oversee an impeachment trial in the Senate. The targeted president was no longer president.
---But the height of our collective madness is the current cancel culture. Its subtexts are “unearned white privilege” and “white supremacy.”

In the name of those abominations, mobs tear down statues, destroy careers, censor speech, require veritable oaths and conduct reeducation training.
Stranger still, those alleging “white privilege” are usually themselves quite wealthy, liberal — and white. These elites count on their incestuous networking, silver-spoon upbringings and tony degrees to leverage status, influence and money in a way undreamed of by the white working class.
If blaming those without advantages does not satisfy the unhappy liberal elite, then there is always warring against the mute dead: changing their eponymous names, destroying their statues, slandering their memories and denying their achievements.
The common denominator with all these absurdities? An ungracious and neurotic elite whose judgment is bankrupt and whose privilege is paid for by those who don’t have it." ZeroHedge