Sunday, February 21, 2021


Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you; so that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 1:6, 7
Close Inspection of Joel's prophecy of 2:28,29
Who Are Those "afar off"?
SDA Issues: Ever heard of the phrase "Unity in Diversity"?
Revival of that Question led the Beast to Power
It has been Christ 
Digging Deep into the "patience of the saints" 
Obedience Expected of Faith
Point in Prophecy of the "Patience"
These two Peculiarities: Sabbath Restored & Spirit of Prophecy
Forgotten Lesson of the Crown of Thorns
The Trek from Eden to Eden
Point Extrapolated from Noah's Age
Application of the Law of God to Man 
If we go by the Old Protestant Rule.....
Moral vs. Natural Laws 
Contrasting 1st and 7th Day in Scripture 
The symbolisim of the Foreheads
3 step answer to Theodicy 
You Cannot Find in God's Law..........
Sober Assessment 
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses
Refuting Universalism
Freedom of the servants of Christ =
Sabbath Debate SIMPLIFIED 
What's NOT in the 4th Commandment AND what is 
Transcript of the Divine Mind
God's Law and God 
What does the Law specifically say?
"Sunday" Texts SIMPLIFIED 
"Justification by Faith" as it Relates to Trust vs. Presumption 
The Text-Book of Righteousness
Q: What was the work to which the seventh-day rest stands related?