Monday, February 22, 2021

It has been Christ

"Christ, the Son of God, has ever been with his Church. 
He was the Angel of the
He was Captain of the Lord’s host when Joshua led the children of Israel into Canaan; 
He held with Daniel in the future destiny of his people, as “Michael your prince,” or “Michael the archangel,” (Dan10:29/Jude 1:9) the chief over all the angels. 
----Peter says it was the Spirit of Christ which was in the prophets, which testified aforetime of the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 
It is a great mistake to endeavor to confine the work of Christ to the present dispensation. He is and has been our Savior—the only Savior—since the fall of man. Ever since man separated himself from God by sin, it has been true that no man cometh to the Father but by his Son." Joseph Waggoner