Sunday, February 14, 2021

IN the NEWS - NYT pushes for Govt. Censorship [Goebbels Style]

For men shall be....unappeasable,... 2 Timothy 3:2,3
Elections have Consequences.....and now America may be heading, Literally, towards a Soviet style "ministry of truth" called a "Reality Czar" as one side of the Political spectrum & their Big Tech allies tries to shut down free speech. Speaking of "allies", it's like Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels
Think it won't impact SDA's?...The Big Tech Propagandists have already taken down some videos posted by SDA's on YouTube.
Q: How might these sentiments of totalitarian censorship be used against the 3 Angel's messages, calling those in the LGBT lifestyle to repentance, etc.?
"It’s a worrisome fact that most of the people holding the
microphones right now have the influence, power, and money to set the tone for our country. 
They have the platforms, the money, the power, and the ability to silence the rest of us peons who simply want to be left alone with our guns, our gardens, our favorite websites, and our own religious beliefs.

The fact that the United States is even considering a position called the “reality czar” should alert you to the fact that reality will not be judged by what’s happening – you know, actual reality – but by what this “czar” is told the people should believe to be the truth. And yes, there are people who really, truly believe there should be a reality czar like this yahoo at the New York Times.

Several experts I spoke with recommended that the Biden administration put together a cross-agency task force to tackle disinformation and domestic extremism, which would be led by something like a “reality czar.ZeroHedge