Sunday, February 14, 2021


 Commentary of Charles Spurgeon, Adam Clarke & Matthew Henry
Vanity of vanities, 
saith the preacher; 
all is vanity.
Solomon is here drawing towards a close,.....He repeats his text--
1. As that which he had fully demonstrated the truth of, and so made good his undertaking in this sermon, wherein he had kept closely to
his text, and both his reasons and his application were to the purpose
2. As that which he desired to inculcate both upon others and upon himself, to have it ready, and to make use of it upon all occasions. We see it daily proved; let it therefore be daily improved: Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. 
 Now that man, the masterpiece of God's creation, the delegated sovereign of this lower world, is turned to dust, what is there worthy of contemplation besides? All - All is Vanity!