Saturday, February 20, 2021


 Commentary of Charles Spurgeon, Adam Clarke & Matthew Henry
For God shall bring every work into judgment
with every secret thing, 
whether it be good, 
or whether it be evil.
God shall bring every work into judgment. 
1. There is a judgment to come, in which every man's eternal state will be finally determined. 
2. God himself will be the Judge.
3. Every work will then be brought into judgment, will be enquired into and called over again. It will be a day to bring to remembrance every thing done in the body. 
4. The great thing to be then judged of concerning every work is whether it be good or evil, conformable to the will of God or a violation of it
5. Even secret things, both good and evil, will be brought to light, and brought to account, in the judgment of the great day (Rom. 2:16); there is no good work, no bad work, hid, but shall then be made manifest. 
 This, then, will be the conclusion of the whole mortal story. --- Every thing whether good or evil, will have its own eternal result.