Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Creation Moment 2/17/2021 - Science "BUBBLE"... says scientist

For men shall be lovers of their own selves...... 2 Timothy 3:2

"Too many scientists are now mostly motivated by ego, by getting honors and awards, by showing their colleagues how smart they are. They treat science as a monologue about themselves rather than a dialogue with nature

They build echo chambers using students and postdocs who repeat their mantras so that their voice will be louder and their image will be promoted. 
But that’s not the purpose of science
Science is not about us; it’s not about empowering ourselves or

Which is the other problem with science today: people are not only motivated by the wrong reasons; they are also no longer guided by evidence

Evidence keeps you modest because you predict something, you test it, and the evidence sometimes shows you’re wrong. 

----Right now you have many celebrated scientists doing mathematical gymnastics about lots of untestable things: string theory, the multiverse, even the theory of cosmic inflation. 

*Once, in a public forum, I asked [physicist] Alan Guth, who originated the theory, “Is inflation falsifiable?” And he said it’s a silly question, because for whatever cosmological data an experiment gives us, a model of inflation can be found that accommodates it. And therefore, inflation is in a very strong position because it can explain anything! But I see this as a very weak position because a theory of everything is sometimes a theory of nothing. There may be no difference between the two.

To me, this bubble of imaginary stuff is like being high on drugs." 
Astronomer Avi Loeb - 2021 ScientificAmerican