Monday, February 1, 2021

Creation Moment 2/1/2021 - Reproduction

Male and female created he them; ....And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply.... Genesis 5:2/1:28
"To me, one of the most exquisite aspects of the human body is the portion directed to reproduction. 

The whole process that results in the birth of a new human being is such a phenomenal design that there really is no way to improve on it
The union of sperm and egg is obviously essential to the continuation of any sexual species, and in humans, the equipment to accomplish it is wondrous. 
The sexual equipment in both genders is so perfectly matched on so many levels that trying to imagine any way they came about through chance mistakes strains credibility.
No other mammal makes love face to face. 
No other mammal engages the whole body in the embrace. 
No other primate experiences sex at such a deep emotional, psychological and spiritual level. 
We create songs, poetry, novels, ballets and opera about love. 
We blush and experience shame when love crosses moral boundaries. 
We are outraged when it is forced. 
We rejoice when it is holy and pure. 
No other primate has such a long maturation period, with so long a time for the father and mother to teach and train the young in good behavior, for the welfare of the society. 
This is no upgrade. It shows a very elegant level of design, not only for the good of the individual or species, but for the good of the planet."
 Henry Richter, PhD, PE