Saturday, February 27, 2021


 Commentary of Charles Spurgeon, Adam Clarke & Matthew Henry

Beareth all things, 
believeth all things, 
hopeth all things, 
endureth all things.
Beareth all things - Παντα στεγει . This word is also variously interpreted: to endure, bear, sustain, cover, conceal, contain. Bishop Pearce contends that it should be translated covereth all things, and produces several plausible reasons for this translation; the most forcible of which is, that the common translation confounds it with endureth all things, in the same verse. 
Love conceals every thing that should be concealed; 
betrays no secret;
Believeth all things - Παντα πιστευει· Is ever ready to believe the
best of every person, and will credit no evil of any but on the most positive evidence....
Hopeth all things - Παντα ελπιζει· When there is no place left for believing good of a person, then love comes in with its hope, where it could not work by its faith; and begins immediately to make allowances and excuses, as far as a good conscience can permit; and farther, anticipates the repentance of the transgressor.
Endureth all things - Παντα ὑπομενει· Bears up under all persecutions and mal-treatment from open enemies and professed friends. 
 Charity believes and hopes well of others