Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Richard Rohr: PRIME EXAMPLE Christendom was WARNED about

And the serpent said .....For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened,....
Genesis 3:4,5 

"Today there are coming into educational institutions and into the churches everywhere spiritualistic teachings that undermine faith in God and in His word. 
The theory that God is an essence pervading all nature is received by many who profess to believe the Scriptures; but, however beautifully clothed, this theory is a most dangerous deception
It misrepresents God and is a dishonor to His greatness and majesty
And it surely tends not only to mislead, but to debase men. 
Darkness is its element
sensuality its sphere. 
The result of accepting it is separation from God." 

Richard Rohr would be a PRIME EXAMPLE of what E.G.W. WARNED about....he is apparently catching on with the under 40 crowd within Christendom...Rohr's modern mysticism is the same as the old mysticism that rolled off the lips of the serpent into the ears of Eve...

"The Rev. Richard Rohr’s new book, “The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe,” is an invitation to enter into such moments of

awakening.....Father Rohr introduces his readers to a spirituality that Jesuits have called “everyday mysticism” ....Christians will find, in the book, a deeper understanding of the incarnation, sacramentality, and the many dimensions of a life lived “in relationship” rather than the illusion of radical individualism and isolation. 

The author guides his readers to an awareness of how to experience the manifestation of a divine presence in everyday life.The themes that give the book its shape come from an understanding of “Christ” as: “the transcendent presence of God in every ‘thing’ in the

universe”; the “immense spaciousness” of authentic love; the “infinite horizon that pulls us from within and pulls us forward”; and the “fullness” of everything. It will come as no surprise that some readers might confuse what Father Rohr is saying with a form of pantheism, but that would be a misreading of the text. He clarifies that he is, in fact, a panentheist,” ...which is to say, one who teaches that “God lies within all things but also transcends them.” PittsburghPostGazette