Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Papal Notes - Gracing the cover of the World

"January 2021 Italian edition of Vanity Fair dedicated its cover to Pope Francis and his message “Fratelli Tutti.” The message posted on the cover reads:

FRATELLI TUTTI! We are all brothers and sisters. “We are

on the same boat, we must become a great human family” is the message that Pope Francis entrusts to us to face 2021 with love and hope. Jorge Mario Bergoglio – 84 years old, 266th pontiff, he inherited the name and the desire to embrace all diversities from St. Francis of Assisi.

Vanity Fair is a global entertainment and fashion magazine that promotes a postmodern worldview. This publication advocates on behalf of the LGBT+ movement, the radical gender theory, Planned Parenthood (abortion) and many other liberal causes. Vanity Fair is hostile and antagonistic towards the Bible. But they love Pope Francis. The secular and agnostic world embraces the Pope and his left-wing socialist message. Why? Because it is in harmony with our corrupt culture and the world loves its own.

This exaltation of Pope Francis by a secular and revolutionary magazine shows just how much the Pope’s message is loved by the world. Notice what Jesus says about this:

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own:

but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.John 15:19." AdventMessenger