Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Observation on Last Night of Babylon

"Heaven and unfallen worlds watched the progress of affairs in this great city, for it was the battle-ground of the two mighty forces of good and evil. 
Christ and Satan here contended. 
Angels, unseen by human eyes, as they gathered the animals into the ark before the flood, had mustered forces against Babylon. 
---God was using men who knew him not as God,.... 
To Cyrus, the leader of the Persian army which was now outside the
city walls, God had said that he held his hand to make him strong. Before you "I will loose the loins of kings." I will open those two-leaved gates, and the gates shall not be shut; "I will go before thee and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass and cut in sunder the bars of iron." Isaiah 45:1,2

While Belshazzar and his lords drank and feasted, the army of Cyrus was lowering the waters in the bed of the Euphrates, preparatory to entering the city."
Stephen Haskell