Saturday, January 23, 2021

IN the NEWS - Playing God with the Sun

Professing themselves to be wise
they became fools,... 
 Romans 1:22
Talk about an EGO...Playing God with the Sun.....see where this Climate Change CULT has led us....WHO KNOWS WHAT KIND OF REACTION-OR DAMAGE-COULD RESULT FROM THIS...we have China building artificial suns and now Bill gates wanting to control our sun's relation to earth and nature...

"It sounds like a wacky idea out of science-fiction - but it’s funded in part by billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates and backed by top scientists at Harvard University.
The American billionaire Bill Gates would finance the geoengineering project launched by scientists at Harvard University.
According to Forbes, the project proposes to dump tons of non-toxic calcium carbonate dust into the atmosphere, to attenuate sunlight in order to reduce the effects of global warming.
Due to controversy over the unpredictable risks they could cause, the research related to solar geoengineering projects has stalled in recent years.
The Stratospheric Controlled Disturbance Experiment (SCoPEx) seeks to continue studying the possibility of spraying calcium carbonate dust (CaCO 3) into the atmosphere by means of balloons, in the face of the problem of climate change.
It is planned that next June, SCoPEx will launch a scientific balloon 20 km high near the city of Kiruna (Sweden), to test the equipment. If successful, a second experimental stage would be passed, releasing small amounts of the compound. The researchers suggest that jets flying 12 miles up would complete over 60,000 missions in 15 years, starting with a fleet of eight and moving up to 100 planes.

At present, there are no aircraft capable of doing this, so they would need to be developed.
Harvard University professor of Applied physics David Keith acknowledges that there are “many real concerns” about geoengineering, because no one knows what will happen until CaCO 3 is released and its effects are studied. ....Daniel Cziczo, an atmospheric chemist at Purdue University who is skeptical of SCoPEx. Even if it doesn’t deplete ozone, calcium carbonate will react with other gases and particles in the stratosphere, changing its composition— and potentially seed clouds in the lower atmosphere that might cool or warm the planet, he says."