Tuesday, January 12, 2021

IN the NEWS - Big Tech Globalist Ecumenical Moment

 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 Timothy 3:1
 "Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones. The time of trouble—trouble such as was not since there was a nation is right upon us, and we are like the sleeping virgins."

The Global Left is now calling for GLOBAL CENSORING of Social Media and Free Speech.....notice, when rioters looting, burned, mobbed the Whitehouse, left dozens of people dead and BILLIONS in damage across America last year they didn't call for this. 
It's because they not only supported the violence---they promoted and sponsored it as Big Tech, Media, Sports Teams, etc. gave a wink to it....their HYPOCRISY IS GLARING...
BUT NOW, they want to use what happened in D.C. to limit Free Speech. BEWARE, when the Left talks about "hate speech" they mean mostly any speech they don't like or aimed at them. 
This GLOBAL CENSORSHIP will target ONLY Conservative voices-it would specifically target Christian criticism of LGBT and Abortion and others criticism of Climate Change.
REGARDLESS, GLOBAL CENSORSHIP of FREE SPEECH can be used to silence at some point any criticism or disagreement with those who push for the mark of the beast---or label the preaching of the 3rd angel's message on social media as "hate" speech against the Little Horn.
A GLOBAL BIG TECH ECUMENICAL MOMENT---A GLOBAL CANCEL CULTURE MOMENT (CULTURAL MARXISM) - in other words those who support a 2nd French Revolution.....This is an attempted BIG TECH STYLE EXECUTION OF CONSERVATISM and with that will be caught up Biblical Conservative views on LGBT, abortion, etc. and likely those who oppose the mark of the beast when it comes who will be labeled hate speech and trouble makers....

"The European Commissioner for the internal market described the storming the U.S. Congress as the “9/11 moment of social media”
and has called for the United States to work alongside the EU to implement more restrictions on speech on the internet.

Thierry Breton, a former French Finance Minister, said that by banning U.S. President Donald Trump, following the unrest at the Capitol, tech companies “have recognized their responsibility, duty and means to prevent the spread of illegal viral content”.

The EU Commissioner wrote in POLITICO, that tech companies “can no longer hide their responsibility toward society by arguing that they merely provide hosting services.”

The unrest in Washington is proof that a powerful yet unregulated digital space — reminiscent of the Wild West — has a profound

impact on the very foundations of our modern democracies,” Brenton proclaimed.

Last week’s insurrection marked the culminating point of years of hate speech, incitement to violence, disinformation and destabilization strategies that were allowed to spread without restraint over well-known social networks,” he added.

The Eurocrat called on the incoming Biden administration in the U.S. to “join forces, as allies of the free world” to craft a “new global approach to online platforms”.

 “Our European laws and courts will continue to define what is illegal, both offline and online — from child pornography to

terrorist content, from hate speech to counterfeiting, from incitement to violence to defamation — through democratic processes and with appropriate checks and balances,” he wrote.

The EU Commissioner said that with the introduction of the DSA, the bloc has made its “opening move, but went on to argue that the challenges posed by freedom of speech on the internet are “global in nature”. Breitbart

Those who support this 2nd French Revolution and Oppose a 2nd American Revolution that we are caught between