Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Creation Moment 1/20/2021 - Chop Chop = DESIGN

 .....for I am fearfully and wonderfully made... Psalm 139:14

"Blanco wrote that “the protein-making process is not as
straightforward as reading a cooking recipe. Before putting proteins together, DNA gets transcribed into threads of RNA that are chopped and reassembled into smaller pieces.
Did you get that? RNA is chopped up and reassembled into smaller pieces. 
Assuming this is correct, this means a designed system must make the cuts in the right places at the right time and then reassemble the parts, ensuring they are reassembled in the correct order, and then stitch the sections together. It requires an accurate fine-tuned mechanism to achieve this goal.
The splicing system must be well-designed in order to reassemble the sections correctly. Otherwise the protein will not function properly, or will not function at all, which could be lethal. And this process must be carried out for all, or most, of the 20- to 23-thousand genes that the Human Genome Project estimates exists. The assembly process, therefore, appears to be more complex than the genes themselves." CEH