Saturday, January 16, 2021

Creation Moment 1/17/2021 -The "Bobbing"

 And though I ...understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; ... and have not Love, I am nothing.
 1 Corinthians 13:2

"Bobbing" for what?
Well, one possibility (among many) could be a way that the Creator keeps the Universe stirred--- for example water that sits without movement for too long in a bucket gets stagnant....your body--without healthy blood flow--can have increased health risks....and your muscles without movement get weak. 
"Monitoring the timing of millisecond pulsar flashes over the past 13 years, astronomers have detected subtle changes that may indicate Earth is “bobbing in an ocean of low-frequency gravity waves” generated by supermassive black holes, researchers say.

 The result is a pulsar timing array in which “we monitor the signals from a large number of these objects,” Simon said.
Here on the Earth, we’re actually kind of bobbing in an ocean of low frequency gravitational waves. And as these waves pass, the Earth gets kind of pushed around very slightly, very slowly, in slightly different directions.”
As the Earth is pushed closer to a pulsar, the pulses from that object appear to come a little bit sooner than we expect,” Simon said. “And as the stretching and squeezing of spacetime from these gravitational waves continues to happen and the Earth moves away, then those pulses come a little bit later. It’s kind of like a Doppler shift, but not exactly.