Friday, January 15, 2021

Creation Moment 1/16/1021 - Yet another Solar System...

 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds... Hebrews 1:2

"TOI-561 is a bright star located 280.5 light-years away in the constellation of Sextans.
Otherwise known as TYC 243-1528-1, it belongs to a rare population of stars called the Galactic thick disk stars.

Stars in this region are chemically distinct, with fewer heavy elements such as iron or magnesium that are associated with planet building,” said Lauren Weiss.

TOI-561 hosts at least three small transiting planets, named TOI-561b, c, and d.

The inner planet, TOI-561b, is a so-called super-Earth with an orbital period of only 0.44 days.

For every day you’re on Earth, this planet orbits its star twice,” said co-author Dr. Stephen Kane. “Part of the reason for the short orbit is the planet’s proximity to its star, which also creates incredible heat.” TOI-561b is one of the oldest rocky planets yet discovered." SciNews