Friday, January 1, 2021

Creation Moment 1/1/2021 - Darwinian Lebensunwertesleben

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning... John 8:44
"The main reason Gypsies were aggressively persecuted by the Nazis was that they were different ethnically and culturally. 

 Under Adolf Hitler, a supplementary decree to the Nuremberg Laws issued on November 25, 1935, classified Roma as “enemies of the race-based state,” thereby placing them in the same category as Jews (Bauer 1990, 635). 
The decision was as follows: “the new cabinet issued a statement (with the force of law) proclaiming the concept of Lebensunwertesleben—life unworthy of living—a category of person that … specifically and indiscriminately included and embraced all Gypsies” (Huttenbach 1991, 373). 
Furthermore, Germans who killed Gypsies were protected by this law, which stated that “taking the life of a Gypsy . . . did not act against the policy of the state” (Hancock 1991, 395). 
And behind these reasons was Darwinism
Mengele, Verschuer, and other scientists who were engaged in these nefarious acts were committed to Darwinism and used Darwinism to justify their racism (Bergman 2012; 2020).
The sharp escalation of persecution during the last three years of the
war was in a large part due to the pressure coming from lower-level-ranking Nazis who considered the war an opportunity to implement the racial scientists goals and the “’Gypsy experts’ to solve the ‘problem’ of the Gypsy Mischlinge (guppies of mixed ancestry), labeled asocial, by way of deportation, incarceration, and sterilization” (Lewy 2000, 38)."