Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Repercussions of The Altar of Appetite

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,... Matthew 24:38

 "The human family have been growing more and more self-indulgent, until health has been most successfully sacrificed upon the altar of lustful appetite
The inhabitants of the Old World were intemperate in eating and drinking. They would have flesh meats, although God had given them no permission to eat animal food. 
They ate and drank to excess, and their depraved appetites knew no bounds.  
--They gave themselves up to abominable idolatry. 
--They became violent, and ferocious, and so corrupt that God could bear with them no longer. 
*Their cup of iniquity was full, and God cleansed the earth of its moral pollution by a flood. 
*As men multiplied upon the face of the earth after the flood, they forgot God, and corrupted their ways before him. 
Intemperance in every form increased to a great extent."