Saturday, December 19, 2020

Papal Notes - Mission 4.7

 ....and his deadly wound was healed: 
and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3
"The most hardcore left-wing government and religious indoctrination program has just been launched. 
The most radical, secular and diabolical agenda has just been inaugurated, and our educational systems are the targets. The brainwashing of our kids has now gone global. 

On December 16, 2020, Vatican News reported that Pope Francis
participated in the launch of Mission 4.7, a global educational alliance that has teamed up with the Vatican to promote Pope Francis’ new Global Compact on Education. 

What is the Global Compact on Education? The Global Compact on Education is a world-wide education initiative launched by Pope Francis on October 15, 2020 to create a “change of mentality through education” .... the Pope’s Global Compact on Education promotes “One Humanity,” “Fraternity” and “Laudato Si’.”
Now Mission 4.7, a global multi-national and multi-religious organization dedicated to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, a 17-point goal strategy, has joined with Pope Francis to promote a “new” emphasis on education. They chose the name Mission 4.7 because 4.7 is the educational objective in the UN 17-point goal strategy. Goal 4.7 states:

Goal 4.7By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”

Mission 4.7 was launched on December 16, 2020 and Pope Francis was there to support his new partner in education. Other members of the Vatican were also present along with the leaders of the United Nations. The Vatican and the UN came together during the launch party. 

This is a global effort to educate the entire world population on the
principles of Romanism (Laudto Si’, Fratelli Tutti) and on the immoral agenda of the United Nations that supports abortion, euthanasia and the radical gender theory. This is a plan to coerce the governments of the world to adopt a radical sexual agenda, a radical environmental agenda and Marxist socialism.
No Christian can support the UN Sustainable Development Goals or Mission 4.7 which is dedicated to enforcing the UN agenda. It is inappropriate for Pope Francis or anyone who professes to be a Christian to support the launch of Mission 4.7. Considering what is at stake here, every Christian should denounce Mission 4.7, not embrace it." AndyRoman/AdventMessenger