Friday, December 11, 2020

Papal Notes - Francis' Hindu Moment

"Dr. Vandana Shiva is a leading Hindu physicist, writer and environmental activist from India. She participated in the Pope Francis conference called the “Economy of Francesco” in Italy....whenever we talk about the “Economy of Francesco,” we are talking about the Pope’s new vision for a global economy. At the heart of Pope Francis’ foundation for this new economy is Laudato Si’

Dr. Vandana Shiva, a keynote speaker at the “Economy of Francesco event, was asked the following question about Laudato Si’:

Vatican News: You certainly must have read Pope Francis’ Encyclical “Laudato Si’” What impression did it make on you?

Dr. Vandana Shiva: I have not just read Pope Francis’s Encyclical Laudato Si’, I participated in the dialogues at the Vatican on Redefining the Economy and going beyond the Economy of Indifference. When I read Laudato Si’ I felt I was reading our ancient Vedic texts, especially the Atharvaveda on our duty to have reverence for the Earth and all her beings.

Here we have a Hindu physicist who says that the Pope’s encyclical on climate, Laudato Si’, is steeped in pantheistic mysticism.

---The planet is being treated as if it were a living rational being worthy of our praise. 
---These ideas make no distinction between creation and the Creator. 
---God is made equal to the universe both in physical matter and in the forces that govern it. 
---The Pope’s message is a call to men and women to have an intimate relationship with the earth. 
---This is the new foundation for the coming global economy.
Paul reminds us that we must not accept another gospel even if it is
proclaimed by “an angel from heaven” (Galatians 1:8)."