Tuesday, December 1, 2020

On the Streets of Babylon: "Church of Eunuchs" in Pakistan?

 Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,

Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seems to be a  "Eunuch Church" spotted on the Streets of Babylon...
 "Transgender people in Pakistan claim “to have found a place of peace” by creating their own church, in which all are accepted
without restriction or discrimination under the wrong concept of “Christianity.”
This congregation has been called the First Church of Eunuchs, and it appears to be the only one for transgender people in the nation who consider themselves “Christian.”
Eunuch” is a term often used for transgender women in South Asia, although they consider it derogatory.
Ghazala Shafique, pastor and co-founder of the church, said she chose the name because according to her, eunuchs” are Biblically favored by God.
“People looked at us with eyes that laughed at us,” said Nena Soutrey, a transgender woman." 